Make a Payment


If you would like to pay via a credit or debit card, there will be a 3% convenience fee incurred. Please contact our office for the payment link. Thank you!


If you would like to set up a reoccurring ACH payment with no fees, please select your location below and print the form to return to us or contact our office. Thank you!
Office Here, Inc. / Ankrum Properties, LLC (OH-AP)
Quality Growth, Ltd. (QG)
3137 Hennepin, LLC (3137)

Other Payment Options

If paying by bill pay, check or money order, please mail payment to:
2489 Rice Street #40, Roseville, MN 55113.

If you prefer to come into our office to make payment, stop by anytime between 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM. If we are not in, please slide through the mail slot in our door.